Upwell is a time to go deep into spontaneous times of worship and prayer. The word Upwell refers to when the surface water of the ocean submerges into the deep basins and becomes immersed in the nutrients there and then brings them back up to the surface. As we press into the depths of God we discover much to bring to our world. Prayer changes things; it shifts atmospheres, and we want to partner with what God is saying and doing. We would love for you to join us as we worship and declare all the great things God is doing and wants to do at UCSD, San Diego, and in our region. Everyone is welcome to participate.

What to Expect – This is a very organic type of gathering. We will spend time learning how to interact with God’s presence in worship and prayer. There’s a musician or two and it’s really participatory. This is a really great place to begin to learn how to worship from your heart and to pray from your union in Christ.


Michelle Placeres (placeresmichelle@gmail.com)



march, 2025

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