First off, we’re honored that you’d decide to spend time with us. Whether it’s just a visit to this page, you’ve come to an Origins event a time or two, or you want to check out Origins soon, we’re thankful for you.
There are a few things you can do at our site. You can check out all of our different gatherings and discover what to expect at each of them. There are lots of ways to connect and get involved with Origins. You can check out the latest Origins events HERE. Also, if you have a moment to fill out a simple online guest form HERE we can keep you up to date on what is happening with Origins.
We would love to meet you, and we know you would feel right at home among the family of Origins. All we ask is that you just be yourself. We are made up of UCSD students, alumni, and more. We believe we are far different than what you would expect.
We desire to make the presence of God the center of our times together. All people matter to God, so every person matters to us. We are all in process and working through life, so there are no perfect people here. We are ordinary guys and girls living extraordinary lives in Christ who believe there’s so much more to this thing called Christianity. We are committed to helping people rediscover their origin in Christ, the goodness of God, the simplicity of the Gospel, and living out the Kingdom seeing miracles, signs, and wonders. It’s in Him we find our original design, intent, and purpose.
We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.